The fucking horse

Published March 15, 2014 by Lizzy Liz

Let me just take a second to stretch my fingers, Lord knows it’s been a while since I took a girlish stab at writing (2 points if you got the “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” reference). Breakfast_at_Tiffanys

I can’t pinpoint what made me stop writing– but I have some theories:

1. It’s hard. There’s plot. Characters. Punctuation. The freaking pressure.

2. Creative burn out.

3. Financial wisdom. (ie. thus far, writing hasn’t provided a paycheck, and ergo time has been spent earning $$$ because there’s nothing cute about being a starving artist, I don’t care WHAT any indie hipster says).

4. Lack of discipline. I’m just lazy. And Netflix is like

But my dear ones, the time has come to get up on this horse that has thrown me so severely from its back. Time to reassess goals and plans… shall we use roman numerals for those?

i. (Ghost)Write Mariah Carey’s memoirs. (not to be confused with her already existing album: “memoirs of an imperfect angel”memoirs-1

ii. Fix whatever is salvageable of my first two novels.

iii. Destroy all physical evidence of what was not salvageable. Burn baby, Burn.

iv. Write something new and meaningful and brilliant.

v. Try to take over the world (a wild 5 points if you got the Pinky & The Brain reference)

xopinky and the brain keep calm and 1280x800 wallpaper_www.wallpapername.com_90

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